All posts by thecoastalquill

There is definitely salt water flowing in my veins. The sound of waves rolling across a sandy, shell-covered shore has echoed in my memories since I was very young. The ocean spurs my imagination and created my yearn to write. I don't always write about the southern US or the ocean but neither are ever far from my heart.

Enzo Stephens: The Healing Show with Doctor Joe

Welcome to Write the Story! Each month Writers Unite! will offer a writing prompt for writers to create a story from and share with everyone. WU! wants to help our members and followers to generate more traffic to their platforms.  Please check out the authors’ blogs, websites, Facebook pages and show them support. We would love to hear your thoughts about the stories and appreciate your support! 

Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

Images are free use and require no attribution. Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

The Healing Show with Doctor Joe

Enzo Stephens 

“Good evening America! This is Doctor Joe, and we have finally gone national! So I say again, Hello America, and welcome to the show.

“Some business to get out of the way before we dive in tonight.

“I am Doctor Joe, board certified in psychiatry. However, please understand that I will not dispense clinical diagnoses on our show. That’s not what our time together is about.

“This show is to give you, the Listener, a forum to open your heart anonymously. Most of the time you’ll hear compassion, but yes, there are times when some Tough Love is needed, and I do not shy away from delivering that message.

“You pledge to accept that as a possibility when you call in.

“Now, if we’re all square, let’s pay the bills for a minute and then we can get this show on the road. This is The Healing Show with Doctor Joe, on WAMO radio, and I’ll be right back.”

Butler smacked the ceramic jar out of his hands, and it shattered on the gleaming tiled floor. Mom’s ashes were strewn everywhere amid jagged shards of pottery that bit into the flesh of his massive hands as he tried to gather Mother’s remains; to preserve her, to hold onto her, even if only for just another moment or two. But she was lost, sifting through his splayed sausage-sized fingers with chipped and bitten nails, though some of her ashes mixed with pinpricks of blood that gathered from the wounds inflicted by the unworthy vessel.

Tears flowed freely, also mingling with her ashes as he came to the realization that she was gone. Forever. The one person in this life who loved him despite his fearsome appearance.

He was on his knees, heart utterly shattered as the tears and snot dribbled ceaselessly down his face while the crowd of teenagers stood in stunned silence. Then Butler’s girl Karen Wilkerson tittered nervously, which opened a flood of laughter from the kids. They were entertained for a few more centuries before they turned away; Eggsy and his obliterated soul just a fading memory.

A stream of crimson ants churned their way toward the struggling, tightly-bound teens, and Edgar smirked in the humid morning light as he climbed into his land-yacht. “I hope this hurts you as much as you hurt me, pricks.”

The land-yacht roared to life, and slewed and slung its way toward the curving blacktop that intersected the gravel trail leading to the remote lake. Edgar thought he heard a scream. Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t, but he cherished it nonetheless.

“Our first call tonight comes from Minneapolis. Good evening, Ed. How’s the weather out there?”

“Good evening, Doctor. It’s always cloudy in Minnesota.”

“Is that true about Minnesota or about your current disposition?”

A glutinous chuckle was the response to Doctor Joe’s perceptive question, which immediately set the good doctor on edge. That infamous ‘Little Voice’ — or perhaps it was some kind of sixth sense — began murmuring. “So, what’s on your noodle tonight, Ed?”

“I’m facing a bit of an emotional conundrum.”

“Well, by all means Ed, we are listening.” But it just might be a better idea to stop listening; to shut this guy down before he kicked off his looney-tune festivities for the night. 

Dude was nothing if not a shitload of bad vibes.

“Some teenagers did something to me that was pretty heinous.”

“Kids will be kids. What did they do, TP your house?”

“No Doc. They destroyed my mother.”

For the first time in Joseph Bettis’ recent memory, a caller caused him to be speechless. As Ed’s words sunk in with sledgehammer impact, Doc Joe’s autopilot kicked in. “What do you mean, ‘destroyed your mother’?”

“Her ashes were in an urn. They destroyed the urn.”

Doctor Joe Bettis paused, waiting for Ed to fill in the blanks; dish on the deets, but he offered nada-empanada. The silence was thunderous. “Your mother was in an urn?”


From somewhere in Maine and living in Minneapolis. Okay, that piece of data found its way to Joe’s memory as he continued. “So she was cremated I presume?”

“That’s a fine piece of deductive reasoning, Doc.”

“Want to tell us about it?”

“Sure, but that’s just the back-story. But what the hell…

“A big football type of guy; a bully if truth be told, gathered up his posse and rushed me and shattered the urn. It’s just the kind of crappy thing a black-hearted bully would do, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Well it’s been my exper—”

“A bully is a bully, Doc! You know it as well as I do. And what stops a bully in their tracks?”

“Standing up to them. But it’s HOW one stands up to them that results in either escalation or de-escalation.”


“Understanding what motivates a person to engage in that kind of behavior gives one the ability to level the playing field, figuratively speaking.”

Ed might have blown a raspberry at that point in the conversation. “I’ll tell you what levels the playing field, Doc. Here’s the ultimate in de-escalation…”

“Please Ed, I’m sure many of our listeners would love to know how you’ve dealt with this situation.”

“Easy-peezy, Doc. I killed him. And I killed his dumb-as-a-shoelace, wind-me-up-do-me-doll too.”

Twice in one phone call was the good Doctor Joe Bettis struck speechless. His first thought was that this was a crank call; some off-the-rocker crackpot calling to blow off steam, but then he recalled that boogery, glutinous chuckle earlier, and the case of heebie-jeebies this whack-bird gave him, and, well, maybe the dude wasn’t a crank call after all.

Maybe. God I hope I’m wrong; I do NOT need this shit tonight!

“I tell ya, puffing on some superb ganja certainly makes the medicine go down, ya know. Helps to keep a healthy perspective. There’s times when killing someone is damned hard work. That’s not for me, dontchaknow. I want things to go down like a bowl of fine vanilla low-fat yogurt. Smooth as butter. Slick as dog-snot on a doorknob.”

“Good God man, are you serious?”

“Would a bear rip your doink off if you chose to have sexual relations with a jar of honey out in the woods?”

Okay, no question about it, Doctor Joe was losing control of this call. He looked into the production booth to see the engineer making frantic circling motions. Keep the call going

Message received, damnit.

“Okay Ed, I think we’ve ascertained how serious—”

“I’ve got some gold kush right at this very point in time, Doc. All loaded up in my special peace pipe, which, by-the-bye, is chock full of ice and mint leaves to make the puff-a-roni go down nice ’n easy.”

“Ed, you’re smoking marijuana while talking to America this evening?” 

Deep inhalation followed by a protracted exhalation that felt like cobwebs wafting across Joe’s mind. This was surreal.

Hello Master of Understatement!

“Actually I really don’t know if this is gold kush. Could be skunk-weed for all I know. But it’s putting me in the mood for some French toast slathered in dark karo.”

“Look Ed, as entertaining as it may seem to you, I don’t think America’s idea of compelling radio consists of listening to you smoking weed.”

Silence for a second. Then two. Then, “Dead air.”


“What’s a sure-fire way to kill a radio station, Doctor?”

“Oh, right. Dead air. We can’t have that going. Of course if that’s what you want to do, we’ll just end the call, Ed. In fact—”

“In fact hell, Doc. You end this call and this young lady here bites it.”

Joe stilled his tongue forcibly, demanding calm before he opened up his pipes. Motion caught his eye. The producer, gesticulating, his mouth moving. Joe was certain that sounds, maybe even actual words were coming out of the guy’s mouth, but it was distant, and Doc Joe simply wasn’t picking up what the guy was laying down.

There was Doc Joe, the headset, and a lunatic on the other end of the call.

“Ed? Do you have someone with you?” Joe felt his voice quiver.

“Doc, I have this… this thing in my heart, man, and it hurts. It hurts me bad.”

Now we’re getting down to the core. “Tell me about that, Ed. That thing you’re talking about.”

A sob. Just one, followed by an abrupt sniffle. “I dunno, Doc. It’s like this… this vacuum inside me; maybe in my heart, maybe in my soul. Maybe like a black hole or something, like in space where it sucks everything inside and no one has any idea where all that stuff goes. But it’s just gone.”

Good Doc Joe felt compassion, even though this guy kind of scared the hair on his back straight. “Ed, did you feel like this at all before that incident with your mother?”


Fumbling, rustling noises, as if the phone became a hot potato against Ed’s ear. A muffled scream, then Ed, suddenly savage and snarling, “I’ll kill you bitch!”

“ED! Ed? Calm down Ed, talk to me, please. Don’t hurt her!”

Heavy breathing, sounds of a girl with a hunk of sock or something stuffed in her mouth.

The producer was seated at his console, staring at Joe with dinner plates for eyes. Joe snared a black Sharpie and scribbled on a notepad, then held it up for the producer to see. It said:

Call 9-1-1.

Google his phone number

Right. As if THAT would work.


“Yeah, I’m here, Doc. Getting harder and harder to keep that under control. But I’ve got to, right. Losing one’s temper makes one… sloppy. And that’s a damned good way to get caught, which is not my idea of a cuppa chamomile, if you know what I’m saying.”

“Ed, let me ask you again; do you have someone there with you?”

“Ayuh Doc, I do.”

“Is it a girl, Ed? A woman?”

“Durn tootin she is, Doc. But if you want, I can turn her upside down to be sure. She is wearing a skirt—”

“That’s not necessary, Ed, I’ll take your word on that. Now Ed…”

“Go for it, Doc.”

“Is she with you of her own volition?”

“Well, she kinda is, Doc. I mean, she fell asleep on me. Of course the sleeper choke I put on her sort of induced that response.”

Joe was struck by Ed’s earlier admission of some kind of thing inside him that felt like a black hole in his soul, and while that did not sound like a good thing at all, at least Ed could be salvaged. Even though he said he killed before, for some reason that didn’t seem true…

“Ed, what’s the girl’s name?”

“How would I know?”

“Tell us what she’s wearing, Ed.” Joe knew that he had to make his captive more than just a captive, he had to personalize her to Ed. That’s how the girl would live past this night. Or—”

“She’s dressed like a cheerleader, Joe. You’d like her too. Blond, willowy. Nice and young and firm. I personally think she’s a little underdressed for the weather, but you know how kids today are.

“If I was into meaningless boinking, she’d be dancing with me by now.”


“Why, Ed? Why are you doing this?” 

“She knows, Joe. You can see it in her eyes. She was one of them that laughed.

“Wanna know what she’s wearing, Joe? Well this might sound pretty bad, but what the hay. I’ll tell everyone anyway. She’s wearing a bear-trap, Joe.”


“Hells bells yes. It’s a Duke number 16 offset — that’s where the teeth are offset from each other. Didja know that, Joe? Did you pick any of that valuable info up in your board certifications?”

That’s it! This call needs to—

“So here’s the deal, Joe. If you go to a commercial break. SNAP! If you hang up this call. SNAP! If you piss me off…”


“Ayuh. Now you’re jing-jing-jingling along with the program, Doc.”

“Ed. Tell me what you want.” Joe was walking a tightrope here and he felt it as he struggled to modulate his voice.

“Well, honestly, I’m feeling a strong urge to do some confessing, but if I do that very thing that just might make my soul feel even a smidge better, well that would be like giving the keys to the candy store away to the kiddies.

“There’s a whole bunch of super-smart folks working police investigations, and me dropping a name or a location or two, well those fine folk would put two and two together and before you know it, I’d be on the run. The lam. It sounds a whole lot better than it is, Joe. Can you dig what I’m feeding you here?”

Just gotta keep him talking; distracted. The producer was making those circling motions again, but truth be told, this exchange, this little foray into Whackoville was exhausting. 

He stopped with the circular motions and held up a notepad of his own, upon which was written,

Cops are coming. Keep him on the line.

“Joe? Doc?”

“Yeah, yeah.” 

“That Duke number 16 is resting across her shoulders; clavicle to clavicle. It looks like when it snaps shut, it should go into her neck just below the jaw. She’s got a long neck.”

“No, Ed, don’t. Just talk to me—”

“—That’s the tooth on the front. Should penetrate above the esophagus, which is bad enough. I mean, if that were all there was, it would be pretty bad for her. Can you imagine the damage? It just might kill her in and of itself!”

“Ed, please. There’s no reason for that girl to die. All life is precious.”

“But remember I said this is an offset trap? The opposing teeth are off to either side of that front one. Both would slice through the sides of her neck and she’d bleed out pretty fast. We don’t want that.”


“Do we?”


“No, she needs to go slowly; needs to feel the HURT—”

“ED!!! STOP!”



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Please visit Enzo on Facebook:

D. A. Ratliff: Listen to Me! No! Listen to Me!

Listen to Me! No! Listen to Me!

The Talking Heads of Writing

D. A. Ratliff

I am one of those nerdy types constantly looking for new information. When I decided to start writing fiction again after many years of writing business and marketing-related materials, I scoured the Internet for every morsel of writing advice I could find. The amount of material I found was overwhelming, but I dove in without taking a breath. I wanted to learn.

What I found fulfilled my needs, but I also found that, apparently, everyone who has ever written considers themselves an expert. The myriad of articles, blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos are mind-bogglingly confusing, with almost all of these ‘experts’ saying the identical thing. The difference is how they offer their “expertise.”

My background is in science, so I took a rudimentary approach. I had taken creative writing in high school and college, but I decided to start with general information. I researched topics such as writing fiction for beginners, components of a good fiction novel, and how to write mysteries or science fiction. After looking at overviews of the craft, I pared my searches down to the basics.

Among my first questions were these:

  • How to write an opening sentence
  • How to write a hook
  • How to write an opening paragraph, a first chapter

Well, you get the idea—totally back to basics.

I wasn’t a novice, but years of writing nonfiction suck the soul out of writing fiction. I needed to relearn how to put the reader into the story for more than information. I needed them to feel the emotion of what they were reading. I searched for information on developing characters, plots, world-building, voice, structure, and grammar, among other topics.

Whether a beginning writer or one who believes in continuing education, the resources available to us are amazing. We can have information from the Internet in seconds that could take hours to find the conventional way open to us—libraries.

Libraries had librarians. Those individuals who spoke softly and always found the answers you sought. If you needed information on any subject, there would be stacks of books or periodicals in front of you, ready for exploration within a blink of an eye.

Today, while my love of libraries will never wane, my librarians are more often Internet search engines. The process is not as personal, but the information is instantaneous. It is also confusing.

There are basic steps to writing. While all of us like to be creative individuals, the art of storytelling is an ancient one and varies little from the beginning of the spoken and written word. Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. That pattern does not change. Our creativity is in how we construct our story.

With the Internet’s assistance, we can learn the basics and the nuances of storytelling by asking questions. For example, I typed in this search request. How to write an opening line for a novel.

The result? “About 373,000,000 results (0.67 seconds)” was the response from the search engine for all results.

For videos? The results were—“About 3,720,000 results (0.46 seconds).” That is a lot of videos for a very narrow topic.

I admit to a love-hate relationship with writers and videos. There is one author who I came across a few years ago whose advice I found to be excellent and delivered in a fun and irreverent manner. I followed this author and her advice for a long time, until recently. Her videos have become solely marketing tools for her books and merchandise. There is nothing wrong with promotion, and she has built her following and has every right to market her work to them or anyone.

However, when I am going to her for advice on a topic, having her book discussed before she addresses the subject is annoying, and she lost me as a follower. Not like there aren’t more writing advisors out there. Unfortunately, there are.

For example, one author is bright and cheery but distracted during her rushed delivery. Her camera fell during a taping and, instead of starting over, she frantically grabbed the camera, placed it where she had it, and kept talking. It was annoying and distracting, and she should have stopped and started over, but she did not. Another time, she yelled at her dog for barking. If you want me to respect you as an expert, conduct yourself like one. Her advice was nothing we haven’t heard before, so delivery and connection to the audience are imperative.

There is another famous video writing guru who has produced many YouTube videos. This is more of a personal quirk of mine, but please don’t talk down to the listener and don’t declare how proficient you are on a topic, prove it. In one video, she discussed outdated genres and tropes and noted that some genres are dead in traditional publishing but do well in self-publishing. As her focus and her professed expertise concern traditional publishing, her bias is there as well. If a genre is not selling one place but selling in another, it is not dead but subject to other markets and readers. As a writer, never forget, your success in traditional publishing is at the whim of agents, publishing house editors, and marketing staff. Your novel may be exceptional, but if it does not fit their cubbyholes, the odds of receiving a publishing contract are slim. When reaching out to find qualified advice, read the author’s bio and listen to their intent, as not all advice applies to your situation.

I am not saying that any of the abovementioned writers’ videos don’t have good advice. Advice is subjective and how we learn varies from one person to another. However, I want to offer a word of caution as many authors imparting their ‘knowledge’ do not provide sound advice.

To appear unique, people want to take the basics of writing and spin the ideas into a new way of thinking or processing the information. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but when two plus two equals four, there is little room for stating that fact any other way. Overembellishing a process often leads to confusion, especially for a novice writer.

There are hundreds of processes offered as the way to write the best novel ever. The list is endless. There are numerous character development or world-building forms, specialty writing programs, name or plot generators, and different ways to plot—all ways to accomplish the same goal we all have, to write a novel.

When researching the writing process, you should read all the information you can but be wary of who you are listening to when you take lessons away from your reading. The first Internet search results will be the most popular ones, and often you will see the same writing websites or blogs listed. Popularity does not always mean quality, but if writers use the same sites for advice, there is a reason. You should read all the articles, watch all the videos, take a writing class, and read books with one thought in mind. Take the information that you gather and apply it to your writing process to fit your style. You should be unique, not the person providing writing tips.

The US Navy came up with an acronym, KISS, which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. It applies to writers. Learn all that you can about your craft but remember the basics of writing. There is a beginning, a middle, and an end, and only you can write your story.

Listen to yourself.

Please visit D. A. Ratliff on her blog:

Please note: Images are free use and require no attribution. Images used by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.


Writers are human and humans require motivation. When we set a goal, the motivation to accomplish our desires is the force driving our actions. For many of us, finding the correct path to follow and maintaining that driving force can be difficult.

In our quest to assist writers in becoming the best you can be and remain motivated, we would like to introduce you to John Chuback, M.D. A cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Chuback found his goals waylaid by his lack of motivation. In a series of interviews with Paul W. Reeves, host on Impact Radio USA, Dr. Chuback discusses “The 50 most powerful secrets for success in and out of the classroom.”

Please click on the link below to hear Episode #9 in this series, and start enhancing your journey toward success today.

DR. JOHN CHUBACK, a cardiovascular surgeon from New Jersey, joins us in this series to celebrate the release of his book, “The Straight A Handbook – The 50 Most Powerful Secrets For Ultimate Success In And Out Of The Classroom”.

Throughout this series, we will cover each of the 50 chapters in detail, each of which will guide you toward success in all that you do in life.

On this segment, Dr. Chuback and Paul discussed chapters 20 and 21.



Previous Episodes of “Success Philosophies With Dr. Chuback”


Dr. John Chuback


Dr. John Chuback was born and raised in Bergen County and graduated from the Dwight Englewood School. He earned his medical degree from New Jersey Medical School at UMDNJ, in Newark. Dr. Chuback then completed a five-year General Surgical Residency at Monmouth Medical Center (MMC). Dr. Chuback is the author of Make Your Own Damn CheeseKaboing, and The Straight A Handbook.

All books are available on Amazon. com. 


Impact Radio USA

Welcome to ​IMPACT RADIO USA, where we strive to  provide the best in news, talk, sports, and music 24 hours a day, 52 weeks per year. Our goal is to keep you as the most informed and entertained Internet Radio audience.

As we are continuing to add content on a daily basis, please feel free to click on the “LISTEN NOW” button at the top of the page to hear us 24 hours a day.While you are here, please check out all of our links to our shows, our podcast page, our blog, and learn how YOU can host your own show with us.  Thank you for listening to IMPACT RADIO USA!!!


Paul W. Reeves 

Paul W. Reeves is a longtime Detroit area author, radio talk show host, music educator, composer/arranger, and professional musician!

Listen to “Dr. Paul’s Family Talk” on Impact Radio USA and visit Paul’s website for more information on his books and CDs.

May be an image of 2 people

A Principal’s Family Principles by Paul W. Reeves Ed. D. is available on

Lynn Miclea: Beyond Static

Welcome to Write the Story! Each month Writers Unite! will offer a writing prompt for writers to create a story from and share with everyone. WU! wants to help our members and followers to generate more traffic to their platforms.  Please check out the authors’ blogs, websites, Facebook pages and show them support. We would love to hear your thoughts about the stories and appreciate your support! 

Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

Images are free use and require no attribution. Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

Beyond Static

Lynn Miclea

Startled, Olivia jerked her head up and looked toward the kitchen. What was that? Having been deeply asleep and suddenly jarred awake from a nap she desperately needed, she frowned in confusion and struggled to stand up from the recliner she had been dozing in.

She focused and listened for any possible sound coming from the kitchen. What had she heard? What woke her up? Then she heard it again — static coming from the kitchen.

Hesitant, she slowly approached the kitchen and peered in. It was empty.

She wished Douglas were still there to help her. Recovering from her husband’s death three years earlier was the hardest thing she had ever been through, and it had devastated her. Depths of grief had threatened to destroy her, but she slowly made it through. Douglas was the love of her life, and the loss still overwhelmed her. Times like this when she was scared were incredibly difficult, and she needed him. How could she face this alone? She blinked back the tears and stepped into the kitchen.

Static again cut through the air, then went quiet. Olivia’s eyes zeroed in on the radio sitting on the counter. The radio’s large, luminous dial lit up and then went dark. What the —

Her heart pounding in her chest, Olivia slowly stepped farther into the kitchen and gingerly approached the counter, her eyes glued to the radio. It lit up again, and static emanated from it. This time the dial stayed lit.

Her hand trembling, she slowly reached toward it.

She jumped as a burst of static came from the radio. It went quiet again, and the dial light went off.

Tentatively, she pushed the power button. The radio lit up as it always did, and a song from the ’80s emanated from the speakers. Good. That was normal, and it was a favorite song of hers. “I love this song,” she murmured. She pushed the power button again, and the radio went off. Quiet and peace settled in the kitchen, and she let out her breath slowly.

Olivia shook her head. She must have imagined it. It made no sense.

As she turned to leave the kitchen, the sound of static made her hair stand up on end. Eyes wide with fright, she turned back and stared at the radio. The dial was again lit up. It had clearly turned on by itself.

Strange whispers filled the air. The light in the radio dial flickered, and static cut through the air. Then more eerie whispers.

She sucked in a breath and felt her throat close as an icy tentacle of terror crept up her spine. This was impossible.

The whispers coalesced into discernible words.


Olivia gasped as goosebumps rose on her arms.

The voice grew louder and clearer. “GET OUT!”

She froze for a few seconds and could barely breathe. Then terror flooded her body, and she turned and ran from the house. Confused and panicked, she tripped over the step down to the porch, but quickly caught her balance. Her heart pounding, she broke out in a cold sweat. Her breath came in quick, shallow gasps, and she rushed down the driveway to the sidewalk, then turned and looked back at the house.

Movement got her attention, and Olivia watched as her next-door neighbor’s tree started leaning toward her house. It suddenly picked up speed, and a loud crash shook the ground as the tree crashed through the roof of her house. Her mouth opened in shock as she stared at the ruined structure of her once beautiful home.

“Nooo,” she whispered as she stared.

Trembling slightly, she went to the front door, opened it, and looked inside. The tree had destroyed much of her home. She gasped as she glanced in her living room. The tree had landed next to the recliner where she had been napping, with one sharp branch embedded in the back of the recliner. If she had still been there sleeping, she would have been impaled.

Her throat tight, she walked into the kitchen. The radio sat on the counter as though nothing had happened.

She stepped close to the radio and put her hand on it. “Thank you,” she whispered to it.

The dial lit up briefly and then faded, and one small chirp could be heard. Whoever or whatever it was, it clearly heard her and acknowledged her words.

She let out a long breath, knowing she needed to deal with home insurance, the neighbor, and fixing the house. She would take pictures and she knew who to contact. She trusted things would work out and she would take care of what needed to be done, but she would deal with that soon enough.

She chewed on her lower lip. Instead of fear, she now felt protected, and her lips curled up in a small smile. Whatever spirit was in the radio, it was not trying to hurt her — it wanted to help her.

Despite having to deal with the mess, Olivia felt a warm rush of relief. Something or someone was watching out for her. And having someone look after her and protect her gave her a sense of peace. Maybe staying in the house would work out, even without Douglas.

As she turned to go back to the living room, the radio dial lit up and the radio turned on. That same ’80s song was playing — the one she liked. She started singing along and then abruptly stopped. Was that song put on deliberately by the spirit? Was that song playing because she had said she liked it? Was the spirit trying to please her?

As the song ended, the announcer’s voice filled the air. “Again, that was dedicated to Olivia from Douglas. And now, a word from one of our …” The radio turned off and was silent.

Olivia stared at the radio. What? Did she hear that right? To her from Douglas? That was impossible and too coincidental. Was Douglas here with her, helping her? Was he the spirit in the radio? Was it her sweet husband who warned her and saved her life?

Her eyes burned and a tear slid down one cheek. “Thank you, Douglas, my love,” she whispered.

The dial lit up, the radio made a small chirp, and then it turned off.

Olivia placed her hand on the radio and choked back a sob.


Copyright © 2021 Lynn Miclea. All Rights Reserved.

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Please visit Lynn’s blog and follow her at –

Please also visit Lynn’s website for more information on her books –

And visit her Amazon author page at –

D. A. Ratliff: Aunt Estelle

Welcome to Write the Story! Each month Writers Unite! will offer a writing prompt for writers to create a story from and share with everyone. WU! wants to help our members and followers to generate more traffic to their platforms.  Please check out the authors’ blogs, websites, Facebook pages and show them support. We would love to hear your thoughts about the stories and appreciate your support! 

Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

Images are free use and require no attribution. Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

Aunt Estelle

D. A. Ratliff

My earliest recollection of Aunt Estelle was in the summer of my sixth year. My parents took my younger and annoying brother and me to visit our grandparents in a small south Georgia town.

We lived in Los Angeles, and the trip was memorable as it was my first time on an airplane. My grandparents had visited us until then so that my parents didn’t have to lug two small children—did I mention my four-year-old brother was annoying—through airports. Or so I overheard them saying.

Cameron and I—I’m Samantha—were excited about being on the plane. Although Cam did get scared on takeoff and cried, I loved how the plane went faster and faster until it lifted from the ground. Seeing the trees and roads and tall buildings of LA get smaller until I could no longer see them was exciting.

The flight was long, and Cam became fussy, but the captain came to the passenger cabin and calmed him. Our father was an Air Force pilot, and he and the captain had served together. Cam and I finally fell asleep a couple of hours from the Atlanta airport, and it was dark when my parents woke us. As we walked through the nearly deserted airport, I wondered if we had arrived in another world. Funny how that thought would come back to haunt me.

My dad rented a car, and off we headed to my grandparents’ farm. Cam and I fell asleep again, and I vaguely remember arriving at the farm a few hours later and my grandfather carrying me into the house. He smelled of Aqua Velva aftershave, and I felt safe in his arms.

The following morning my grandma cooked the biggest breakfast I ever had, and afterward, we headed outside to play in the yard with Nutter, my granddad’s Labrador Retriever. That big black dog was only about a year old then and became our best playmate over the years. As I write this, Nutter’s great-great-grandson, Sirius, is lying on the deck beside me. And no—I named him after the star and not a wizard from a fiction story.

Later that morning, we were playing, under the watchful eye of our father, on a trampoline that grandpa had put up for us when our great-aunt Estelle arrived carrying a basketful of something that smelled quite tasty. We stopped jumping as she approached. Holding out the basket, she removed a cloth napkin, revealing a pile of cookies. She had our attention.

She hugged my father and then us. “Children, I am your great-aunt Estelle. Let’s go inside and have some milk and cookies.”

We needed no further prompt. Cam and I climbed down from the trampoline with our father’s help and followed her into the kitchen. It’s funny now, thinking back on those days. We knew so little then and now—well, now it’s only my story to tell.

We spent two weeks on the farm, wandering the peanut fields, pecan groves, and the acres of watermelon and cantaloupe. Cam and I feasted each day on a watermelon that our grandpa would pick for us. He always whispered to me in the morning after breakfast, want to pick something pink and green? That phrase became one he whispered to me until he died. Cam’s favorite treat was grandma’s soda biscuits with butter and honey from beehives on the farm. I liked watermelon better.

Aunt Estelle was my grandfather’s sister, and she lived in a cottage just a stone’s throw from our grandparents’ home. The path to her house led from my grandma’s flower garden to a wrought iron gate set in a hedge and into a flower garden in Aunt Estelle’s yard. At six and for many years later, I imagined I was walking through the world of the fairies when I visited her, and we would imagine fairies in the garden and tell each other stories.

We spent a lot of afternoons at Aunt Estelle’s house during that first visit and later ones. She loved to play games with us and taught us to make kites. We would take the balsa and silk kites to the peanut fields and run between rows to watch our colorful creations fly. She took us walking through nearby groves of trees and taught us about plants and birds, and over the years, Cam and I became quite the ornithologists and botanists. And did I mention, she made the best cookies ever.

There was, however, one item in her house that always intrigued me. On a cabinet in her living room sat an old-time radio. My mother called it an art deco piece which I didn’t understand then, and she marveled at how beautiful the radio was. It was shiny black with gold trim and in pristine condition as if she had never turned it on. She once asked Aunt Estelle if it was a reproduction and my aunt just smiled. “Oh no, my dear, it’s an original.”

It wasn’t until my tenth year that I felt something was amiss. We had come for another summer visit, and it was the first time Aunt Estelle did not meet us with a basket of cookies. We didn’t see her until the third day after we arrived. My grandma said Estelle was traveling, as I had learned she often did. When she came to see us, she was carrying two large boxes wrapped in shiny paper and ribbons and a basket full of chocolate chip cookies, our favorites.

“Children, I am so sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived. However, I have a surprise. I was in Germany, and I brought each of you a present.”

Excited, we opened our gifts. Now eight, Cameron was the proud owner of a tree fort with tiny platforms, branches, a staircase, ladder, a bridge, elf-like figurines, and a crow’s nest on top. After seeing his gift, I was anxious to see my own but carefully untied the ribbon and peeled away the paper. Inside the box was a miniature fairy village. There were five houses, patterned like an acorn, honeycomb, tulip, pinecone, and mushroom, along with five fairy girls and five fairy boys.

“Aunt Estelle, I love it. I have just the place in my room for this.” I hugged her, and she squeezed me tightly.

“My darling, I wanted something for you to treasure and remember me and our fairy walks by in years to come.” 

Her eyes glittered as she looked into mine. I would remember that look as even then I realized there was more to Aunt Estelle than I knew.

Wonderful memories filled the years to come. When I was fourteen, I begged my parents to spend my school vacation in Georgia. With Cam going to camp, my parents allowed me to spend my summer at the farm. Looking back, it was the best summer of my life.

My grandmother, Aunt Estelle, and I made jams and jellies, relishes, baked cakes and cookies, and tended the personal garden. Thank goodness I had taken up running, or I would have gained a hundred pounds. We wandered the countryside, visiting antique shops, and had lunch at quaint little cafes. I fell in love with the area and the two women sharing the experience with me.

One week, in late July, my grandparents traveled to Chicago for the wedding of a close friend’s grandchild, and they decided I would spend the days they were gone with Estelle. That was the week my journey to my present life began.

The first evening, Aunt Estelle, after dinner and yes, cookies, took me outside. There were no security lights in the area, and the sky was midnight blue and sprinkled with glittering stars. We settled into reclining lawn chairs, and while sipping peach tea, Estelle took me on a tour of the Milky Way spanning the sky above them.

She spoke of the constellations Sagittarius, Scorpius, Ophiuchus, and Scutum and the wandering comets glistened with ice in the reflected light of distant nebulas. She described them as if she had seen them with her own eyes, and her words filled me with wonder.

I had always had an affinity for space and excelled in science as Cam did. Now, listening to my aunt, I felt a growing need to learn more about space and the wonders it contained. It wasn’t until the second night that I discovered a secret about my aunt, and that secret sealed my fate.

We had remained outside until nearly one a.m., and then Aunt Estelle shooed me to bed. I was too excited to sleep, and thoughts of my future spun in my head. I sat, legs beneath me, on the window seat in my room, staring out at the night sky. When I heard a whining sound, I worried my aunt was in trouble. I rushed from my room and down the stairs stopping on the landing to see into the living room. Estelle stood before the radio with only dim light from a single lamp illuminated the room. She wore a pale green gossamer scarf over her head and held a small metal disk in her hands.

I knelt on the landing, peering through the banister, afraid to move. My body became rigid, and all I could do was watch.

Aunt Estelle touched a dial on the radio, and it began to glow. Within seconds, a voice spoke from the radio. Unlike any I had heard before, a voice spoke in a sing-song language as though it was part music and part speaking. Stunned, I watched as Estelle spoke into the metal disc using the same language. The conversation went on for several minutes before Estelle touched the dial again, and the amber light faded. It was then that Estelle turned toward me, and the room went black. I wouldn’t remember the radio incident from that night for a long time until she allowed me to remember.

My high-school years were a blur. I only saw my grandparents on the holidays as I spent my summers in science camp. My attention was solely on science and my desire to attend the Air Force Academy and become a pilot or an astronaut. The day I received my acceptance letter from the Academy, I called Aunt Estelle after I celebrated with my parents and my still annoying brother. She was as excited as I was.

“My darling Sam, I felt your connection to the stars from our nights gazing at the sky. I had a feeling you would want to visit the Milky Way.”

“You instilled that desire in me long ago when we sat in your front yard under the stars.”

“I did, didn’t I? And for a good reason, it is where you belong.”

I ended the call full of wonder and something else, an awareness of Aunt Estelle’s sing-song voice. I wondered why I had never noticed it until that day.

Five years later, I was an Air Force Academy graduate with a physics and aeronautical engineering degree, and I could fly aircraft. I had just come off a training mission when word came that Aunt Estelle had died. My heart shattered as my family and I left for Georgia.

We spent sad days there, as so much had changed. My grandfather had suffered a minor stroke only a few months before Estelle died. After the funeral, my parents talked him into selling the farm and my grandparents moving to California with my parents, including two handsome dogs that were the late Nutter’s offspring.

The day before I left to return to Nellis Air Force Base, my grandmother told me that something was waiting for me in Aunt Estelle’s cottage. I walked the path between the gardens, now lusher than when I was a child. Memories of fairies and twinkling stars fill me with nostalgia.

I walked into her home for likely the last time, and tears streamed down my face. I loved all of my family, but Aunt Estelle filled a piece of my heart that I knew would now remain empty. I found a package wrapped in shiny paper and ribbons. My heart pounding, I sat on the couch and opened the box.

I gasped at what was inside and, with trembling fingers, lifted the beautiful clock from the box, along with a strange metal disk and a letter. Day turned into night as I sat in Estelle’s home, processing what she had written.

Now, years later, I pulled the letter from a zippered pocket on my uniform and read it once again—my heart both breaking and full of love simultaneously.

My dear Samantha:

  First, I must tell you. I am not dead. The body I left behind was a non-animated clone. I knew this day was coming from the moment I met you, and I will admit I refused recall until you graduated from the Academy and your future set. You see, Sam, I am not truly your aunt. I am not from Earth. I am from a solar system that your planet has yet to discover. Our sun is much like yours, and my planet is very similar to Earth.

  We have visited Earth for many generations, but we are not little gray beings, as we look very similar to you, only requiring minor alterations. We observe your species by becoming part of your family for a while. Then we leave and erase the memories of our existence from those we interacted with but not with you. I petitioned for the right to remain in contact with you as I was certain that you would reach for the stars one day.

  You will not be able to discuss me with your family as they will no longer remember me. In a matter of days, they will not remember me at all—but you will. As you might have guessed, the radio is a communications device, and the metal disk is how to operate it. There will come a time when we talk again.

  The one thing I did leave with you was the fairy village, as the myths of fairies are common in your world. They are also common in mine. A love that we shared from our childhood.

  Samantha, whatever life brings you, remember I will be with you. And we will meet again when you are among the stars.

  Aunt Estelle.

I wiped the tears spilling from my eyes. As Estelle faded from my family’s memory, it was so difficult not to scream she was here, she was real, but it was futile. I gazed across the cramped captain’s office where the fairy village sat on a shelf, the radio on the shelf below. I had refused to leave Earth without either item or Sirius. Earth Space Command had given in, they wanted me, and I wanted Sirius and Estelle with me.

The comm crackled. “Captain, helm informs me that we are about to cross the boundary of our solar system.”

“Thank you, Commander.”

I scratched Sirius’s head and rose. Before I stepped onto the bridge, I touched the radio, still shiny and new. “Don’t worry, Estelle. I will be calling soon.”

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Please visit Deborah on her blog:


Writers are human and humans require motivation. When we set a goal, the motivation to accomplish our desires is the force driving our actions. For many of us, finding the correct path to follow and maintaining that driving force can be difficult.

In our quest to assist writers in becoming the best you can be and remain motivated, we would like to introduce you to John Chuback, M.D. A cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Chuback found his goals waylaid by his lack of motivation. In a series of interviews with Paul W. Reeves, host on Impact Radio USA, Dr. Chuback discusses “The 50 most powerful secrets for success in and out of the classroom.”

Please click on the link below to hear Episode #8 in this series, and start enhancing your journey toward success today!

DR. JOHN CHUBACK, a cardiovascular surgeon from New Jersey, joins us in this series to celebrate the release of his book, “The Straight A Handbook – The 50 Most Powerful Secrets For Ultimate Success In And Out Of The Classroom”.

Throughout this series, we will cover each of the 50 chapters in detail, each of which will guide you toward success in all that you do in life.

On this segment, Dr. Chuback and Paul discussed chapters 17, 18, and 19.



Previous Episodes of “Success Philosophies With Dr. Chuback”


Dr. John Chuback


Dr. John Chuback was born and raised in Bergen County and graduated from the Dwight Englewood School. He earned his medical degree from New Jersey Medical School at UMDNJ, in Newark. Dr. Chuback then completed a five-year General Surgical Residency at Monmouth Medical Center (MMC). Dr. Chuback is the author of Make Your Own Damn CheeseKaboing, and The Straight A Handbook.

All books are available on Amazon. com. 


Impact Radio USA

Welcome to ​IMPACT RADIO USA, where we strive to  provide the best in news, talk, sports, and music 24 hours a day, 52 weeks per year. Our goal is to keep you as the most informed and entertained Internet Radio audience.

As we are continuing to add content on a daily basis, please feel free to click on the “LISTEN NOW” button at the top of the page to hear us 24 hours a day.While you are here, please check out all of our links to our shows, our podcast page, our blog, and learn how YOU can host your own show with us.  Thank you for listening to IMPACT RADIO USA!!!


Paul W. Reeves 

Paul W. Reeves is a longtime Detroit area author, radio talk show host, music educator, composer/arranger, and professional musician!

Listen to “Dr. Paul’s Family Talk” on Impact Radio USA and visit Paul’s website for more information on his books and CDs.

May be an image of 2 people

A Principal’s Family Principles by Paul W. Reeves Ed. D. is available on

Write the Story June 2021 Prompt

Welcome to Write the Story!

We leave the beach after some creative, entertaining, and interesting stories from the May prompt. Now for June… enjoy and looking forward to what you create!!

A reminderWU! created this project with two goals: providing a writing exercise and promoting our author sites to increase reader traffic. We ask that you please include a link to the Writers Unite! blog when you post your story elsewhere. By doing so, you are also helping promote your fellow members and Writers Unite! We encourage all of you to share each other’s stories to help all of us grow. Thanks!

Write the Story! June 2021 Prompt

Image by Mateusz Omelan from Pixabay

Here’s the plan:

  • You write a story of 3000 words or less (minimum 500 words) or poem (minimum 50 words) and post it on the author site you wish to promote. Don’t forget to give your story a title. (Note: You do not have to have a website/blog/FB author page to participate, your FB profile or WordPress link is fine.)
  • Please edit these stories. We will do minor editing, but WU! reserves the right to reject publishing the story if poorly written.
  • The story must have a title and author name and must include the link to the site you wish to promote.
  • Send the story and link to the site via Facebook Messenger to Deborah Ratliff or email to Put “Write the Story” in the first line of the message.
  • Please submit your story by the 25th day of the month.

WU! will post your story on our blog and share it across our platforms— FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The story will also be available in the archives on the WU! blog, along with the other WTS entries.

We ask that you share the link to the WU! blog so that your followers can also read your fellow writers’ works.

The idea is to generate increased traffic for all. It may take some time, but it will happen if you participate. The other perk of this exercise is that you will also have a blog publishing credit for your work.


(Please note: all images are free-use images and do not require attribution.)


Writers are human and humans require motivation. When we set a goal, the motivation to accomplish our desires is the force driving our actions. For many of us, finding the correct path to follow and maintaining that driving force can be difficult.

In our quest to assist writers in becoming the best you can be and remain motivated, we would like to introduce you to John Chuback, M.D. A cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Chuback found his goals waylaid by his lack of motivation. In a series of interviews with Paul W. Reeves, host on Impact Radio USA, Dr. Chuback discusses “The 50 most powerful secrets for success in and out of the classroom.”

Please click on the link below to hear Episode #7 in this series, and start enhancing your journey toward success today!

DR. JOHN CHUBACK, a cardiovascular surgeon from New Jersey, joins us in this series to celebrate the release of his book, “The Straight A Handbook – The 50 Most Powerful Secrets For Ultimate Success In And Out Of The Classroom”.

Throughout this series, we will cover each of the 50 chapters in detail, each of which will guide you toward success in all that you do in life.

On this segment, Dr. Chuback and Paul discussed chapters 15 and 16.



Previous Episodes of “Success Philosophies With Dr. Chuback”


Dr. John Chuback


Dr. John Chuback was born and raised in Bergen County and graduated from the Dwight Englewood School. He earned his medical degree from New Jersey Medical School at UMDNJ, in Newark. Dr. Chuback then completed a five-year General Surgical Residency at Monmouth Medical Center (MMC). Dr. Chuback is the author of Make Your Own Damn CheeseKaboing, and The Straight A Handbook.

All books are available on Amazon. com. 

Impact Radio USA

Welcome to ​IMPACT RADIO USA, where we strive to  provide the best in news, talk, sports, and music 24 hours a day, 52 weeks per year. Our goal is to keep you as the most informed and entertained Internet Radio audience.

As we are continuing to add content on a daily basis, please feel free to click on the “LISTEN NOW” button at the top of the page to hear us 24 hours a day.While you are here, please check out all of our links to our shows, our podcast page, our blog, and learn how YOU can host your own show with us.  Thank you for listening to IMPACT RADIO USA!!!

Paul W. Reeves 

Paul W. Reeves is a longtime Detroit area author, radio talk show host, music educator, composer/arranger, and professional musician!

Listen to “Dr. Paul’s Family Talk” on Impact Radio USA and visit Paul’s website for more information on his books and CDs.

May be an image of 2 people

A Principal’s Family Principles by Paul W. Reeves Ed. D. is available on

Calliope Njo: Big Plans

Welcome to Write the Story! Each month Writers Unite! will offer a writing prompt for writers to create a story from and share with everyone. WU! wants to help our members and followers to generate more traffic to their platforms.  Please check out the authors’ blogs, websites, Facebook pages and show them support. We would love to hear your thoughts about the stories and appreciate your support! 

Images are free-use images and do not require attribution. Image by Steve Bidmead of Pixabay.

Big Plans

Calliope Njo

Summer was here at last. No more masks and no more school. I wished I could get rid of Christine. No luck there though. Father would never bail me out of jail if I killed her, so yeah, I got stuck with her.

Dear Mother always told me that the bond between sisters must remain forever sacred. I would’ve been perfect with only me, but no, they wanted another child. I hated them for that decision. There was never a need for her.

I locked my door. Nothing was going to get between me and going to our private island. Great-Grandfather bought it as a gift for Great-Grandmother. A sort of getaway place during the holidays. There was always the option of flying somewhere but it was always our island.

Christine banged on the door. I ignored it and packed for the summer. There was nothing more appealing than spending time on our island. Enough of school. Enough of that stupid plague, pandemic thing. It was perfect studying at home. I locked myself in my room and did the work I was supposed to. Of course after that, I vid chatted with everyone.

The school board thought it would be best to have summer school. Of course, it was a nay vote. Who would agree to that? Summer was for fun and excitement while traveling and shopping.

Father went to Vietnam to negotiate a deal with a big company over there. Mother went to Manhattan to visit her sister. It seemed my precious cousin got sick with something. So it was only me. Christine didn’t count.

I woke up the morning of my big plans. Go there and invite everyone who was anyone to party all night long. No parents meant we could do whatever we wanted.

I grabbed my bag and opened my door. That turned out to be a big mistake. I wanted to swing my suitcase and knock her down so hard. That was when I heard Father in my head. Gee, thanks, dear ol’ Father.

“You know. You need to decompress. Let go of all of your stress. Then maybe you wouldn’t be so hostile. Studies have shown—”

I didn’t knock her down, only a slight nudge. OK, it was hard enough for her head to clunk on the floor. Big deal. There were plans to fulfill.

I pulled my suitcase after me and got in my car. A quick trip to our dock to get on our boat. I smiled when I turned the engine on. Paradise, here I come.

One hour and forty-five minutes later, I arrived. Took care of the boat and got my stuff before leaving, after that, only a matter of a brief hike up the hill. There was nothing as beautiful as the sight before me.

Two-story thirteen-hundred-square-foot house with white siding. If no one could picture the size, I always thought it was the perfect little house for the setting. Of course, nobody needed to know that.

While everyone was busy doing their own thing, I came here to prepare to party. I didn’t miss a thing. Built-in speakers so didn’t need a DJ.

Food of all kinds and I knew how to grill so that wasn’t a biggie. The drinks took skill to get, after all, nobody realized who I was so that took some doing. The guest bungalow was clean and prepared. I sent everyone an electronic invitation complete with instructions. With the party the very next day, there was time to relax and get some sun.

A little sunscreen, didn’t need the wrinkles or that sunburn, and my pink g-string and I made it out to the beach. If it weren’t for those damn birds who wanted nothing else than looking for food, then things would’ve been ultra perfect. As it was, things were eh.

When the air turned cool, I got up and went back to the house. A good long hot shower was what it took. Being all by my—

“Brielle, are you here? That wasn’t very nice. You know, I could have brain damage. You’re my older sister. You’re supposed to take care of me and nurture me when Mother isn’t around.” She stood in my doorway.

She didn’t die after all. Pity. Needed to try harder next time around. “You know, Christine. You are nothing but a waste of space. You take up too much precious air for my liking.” I stood in front of her and watched her eyes bulge open. “I could very easily do you in. So why haven’t I? The answer to that is simple.” I put my hand around her neck and felt the urge to squeeze. “You serve a purpose.” That and I’m too much of a coward to do anything. I lowered my hand. “So right now, you have one of two choices. You don’t choose, I’ll make the choice for you.” She ran away.

I shook my head. She thought she could reason with me so she could have fun along with me. Never going to happen.

She returned. I looked behind me. “Still haven’t learned.”

“Why is it you try so hard to be mean? How come? You’re not mean. I’ve seen you with your friends. To have friends you can’t be. It’s just not possible. Yet, you threaten me with everything. I don’t understand. That’s why I told you, you need to decompress. Sort of clear your thoughts and relax.”

“It won’t take anything for me to strangle you to death.”

“Of course it would. You would lose everything. If you really intended for me to die, you would have done it a long time ago. So let’s go have something to eat, then we can sit down and talk.”

“Christine, it was never my intention for you to be here. I don’t care if you live or die. I really don’t.” I came towards her but she didn’t move. She thought I lied. “You don’t leave…”

“And then what? Besides that, I know your secret. Things just come to you without any work involved. It could be from animals or people. It doesn’t matter. I know because I have the same thing as you. I accepted it. How come you can’t?”

Things got freaky from that point. Nobody was supposed to know. I didn’t even know but she did. How could that be? “I’m not some freak out of one of those side shows they used to have. I am the one who everybody looks to for fashion sense. Guys wait to find out if I’m available.”

“Nobody said you were from a freak show. I’m not a freak show. I’m only saying I know what you’re going through. I told Mother and Father about it. Father smiled at me and ruffled my hair. Mother kissed my forehead and told me I needed to go to the salon. You might get a different reaction.”

Oh, I wish those birds would go away. This was never their property. “Why would I announce to everyone what happens to me? You know how embarrassing that would be? I refuse to become society’s laughing stock.”

“Brielle, you are the most stubborn girl. You know that? How would you be the laughing stock if nobody knows about it? Hello. And you call me an empty-headed bird brain.” She straightened her arms and smirked.

“I would if I told Mother. Wouldn’t I? She would tell Marjorie, and from there, everybody in the neighborhood would know.”

“Like I said. And you call me an empty-headed bird brain. You counteract that by telling everybody Marjorie’s daughter didn’t make it into Fashion University. She flunked the entrance exam by a hemline.” She shook her head. “Just calm down and relax. The party or get together or whatever it is you’re planning may be a good idea. You can spend the rest of the time relaxing. Find yourself. You’ve got the entire summer. Well, from now until about mid-August anyway.”

“There was no way you would find out. I only told one person and that one person would never speak.”

“Do I need to make a list of who Michelle told?”

“You’re guessing.” I reached to slam the door in her face but she reached out and held it.

“She’s not exactly trustworthy. That’s how everybody knew of your secret crush. I even knew about it.” She put her hands on her waist. “Let’s get back to the subject at hand. OK? So it’s getting late. Get some sleep. We’ll continue tomorrow.” She reached out and closed the door.

Maybe if I bribe a judge he could let me off without prison time.

“You wouldn’t really want to do that.” She said that loud enough for me to hear it through the door.

I sat on my bed. My perfect weekend. Shot to hell. God, I hated life. Maybe all I needed was a good night’s sleep before the weekend-long party.

Nine o’clock was not a time to sleep. It was a time to talk and have fun. That was the reason I couldn’t fall asleep at all. It was a good thing I had the foresight not to let anyone arrive until noon.

Sure enough, my people didn’t arrive until twelve-thirty. I got the food going, Michelle poured the drinks, and everybody partied. Christine stayed inside to read. Why would anybody read if school was not in session?

A hint of disbelief lingered about Michelle, so I came up with a way to test her. David was there as somebody’s guest. Not mine, because I had no interest in him because he was short without any muscles. His only interest was computers.

I grabbed Michelle’s hand and pulled her over by the grill. “Do you see David over there?”

“You mean Mr. Nobody over there. Yeah. So?”

I smiled. “He may be a Mr. Nobody, but there’s something about him. Something I can’t explain.” The lengths I had to go through to prove something. Bleck.

She spit out her drink. “You like him? Tell me you’re using him for test purposes and I can walk away happy.”

I shook my head. “By the time school starts, I would have been with him and made his blood boil so hard.”

She gasped.

“Don’t say anything. This is between you and me for now.”

“Of course not. Ew.” She walked away.

If Christine was right, the entire party should know by the end of the night or at least him.

With food served, and everybody buzzed, I started guiding people to the guest house. Sleeping bags had been put out for everybody to sleep on. I walked away taking note of Michelle and David.

At about noon the next day, I walked outside to start picking up. Heaven forbid the birds should find it distasteful. A few of them found some leftovers to eat.

A few squirrels joined them in the feast. I shooed all the animals away before picking up everything.

“I was wondering if you were ever going to get out here,” Christine said.

I turned my head around. She was concerned. Not that I believed it.

With a garbage bag in my hand, all of the used cups, half-eaten food, and various other stuff got picked up. Christine tugged on the bag with thoughts of getting the trash. I scrunched my eyes together.

“You get the furniture. I get the trash and other stuff.” She smiled. “In the end, you’ll be the one hurting. Ha.”

Too tired to think anything about it, I took her suggestion and picked up everything else.

A few hours later, people started vacating the guest house, leaving to go home. David smiled at me. Then he made this weird face with his eyes scrunched together and pursed lips.

He walked towards me. “Hi. Uh. I’m David. You know that already. Uh. So…”

“Hi, David. Are you leaving?”

“Yeah. Uh. In a bit. Uhm. What I wanted to ask was if you wanted to go to the Comp Cafe this weekend?”

Did Michelle tell him? “Why would you be asking that? We have absolutely zero in common. You’re all of what? Five-four? Don’t play sports?”

“Yeah but, I thought you were supposed to like me. I was going to teach you some programming.”

“Maybe another time. Like when the Earth turns into a feather.” I walked away to find out if Michelle left yet or not.

She wasn’t there. All of the rooms were empty, which meant she left with someone while I wasn’t looking. That didn’t matter. I’ll have my revenge when I get back, and I won’t forget.

I stood in the middle of the living room with the knowledge that things changed. For the worse or the better I had no idea. I stood there because it was what I did. Thinking about everything that was said and done.

What I wanted was to change and go down to the beach. What I needed to do was to clean. I wanted to come here. I needed to take responsibility for it. Mid-August couldn’t get here soon enough.

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Please visit Calliope on her blog:

S.McC: The Chest 2

Welcome to Write the Story! Each month Writers Unite! will offer a writing prompt for writers to create a story from and share with everyone. WU! wants to help our members and followers to generate more traffic to their platforms.  Please check out the authors’ blogs, websites, Facebook pages and show them support. We would love to hear your thoughts about the stories and appreciate your support! 

Images are free-use images and do not require attribution. Image by Steve Bidmead of Pixabay.

The Chest 2


Marc got to his feet on wobbly legs and walked over toward the chest. The deep gashes that marred its wooden frame showed a metallic object within. He looked at the chest in disgust. This old thing wasn’t worth his life. And yet if he hadn’t have gotten it he’d be dead, anyway. The Core’s captain would make sure of that. 

“Sir, not to interrupt your musings with the chest, but what are we going to do now?” 

“We’ll just have to take the consequences, Hubert.” 

“I don’t like the thought of that,” the ship’s AI said. 

“Neither do I, but what choice do we have?”

The thought of bringing the Captain a broken chest filled him with dread. 

With a sigh, Marc muttered, “May as well see what’s in this.” 

His hand reached out to lift its lid. The splintered wood threatened to poke holes in his spacesuit. 

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Sir.”

“If we know what’s in it, we might be able to replace it.” 

“For once you may be right.” 

Marc rolled his eyes. His hand lifted the broken lid, and the wood crumbled to dust in his hands. He coughed as the dust swirled around him. When it settled, Marc’s eyes landed on the small metallic box the size of a dinner plate that the chest had hidden. His hand brushed the dust off the top of the box and revealed a small rectangle mechanism on its surface.

“Was it supposed to do that?” 

Marc ignored the AI. A chest wouldn’t be hard to find. But the metal box drew him in. His grey eyes were glued to the slight scratches that looked like an ancient form of writing. His finger poked at the darker metal plate where they were, and he found it moved beneath him. 

He stared and turned the dial up and down, revealing more of the scratches that slotted into a hole in the frame on which they sat. 

“I wonder what these are for?” 

“I believe, Sir, that they are an ancient locking mechanism from the times of the great wars.” 

“From the great wars?”

Marc knew little about the wars, only that they were bloody and had lasted a generation of human lives. To him, it was unfathomable that something could have lasted so long.

Many planets had died and were uninhabited because of it. Much like Zothria. It was only by a strange miracle that the planet where he found the box had breathable air, for many in the great wars were uninhabitable.

He shook his head at the thoughts of wars. He had enough of them in his own lifetime where his own planet was concerned, and concentrated on the task at hand. 

His eyes roamed the rest of the box. It was a smooth silver metal, with no other cracks or obvious places that he could open it from. No ports or places where he could install Hubert’s computer to it.

He ran a hand over his face. Why couldn’t things be simple?

“There’s no way to know if whatever is inside is broken, Hubert.” 

“If it’s something from the old wars, we will know soon enough.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“Magic, Sir. The old people fought over it.” 

“But it’s gone from all worlds. There is no magic left in the galaxy.” 

“Maybe there is some left.” 

“What do you mean by that, Hubert?”

“I’m just saying some people may have buried their magic.”

“And you would know this, why?”

“They built me a long time ago, Sir.”

“Surely not that long ago?”


Now the AI was being mysterious, Marc thought. He shrugged. Hubert was old, and Marc hadn’t had the chance to go through all of his data yet. It was extensive. Far more than the Captain’s ship. But he had to be wrong about this. Didn’t he?

Marc heard Hubert’s camera zoom into the box. He tilted his head and stared at the metallic object. Magic? Real? Nah, it couldn’t be, Marc thought, and ran a black gloved hand through his sandy mohawk. 

He lifted the metallic object and shoved the box in one of the many shelves in the cargo hold of the ship. He turned toward the cockpit. They would need to get the chest first before they could take the object to their captain, otherwise they would be in big trouble.

“Take us to Verlon, Hubert,” Marc said as he walked along the corridor. 

A painting caught his eye. The folded blue and white chairs sat along a beach and he stared. If only things were as simple as back then. Where the voices of children and the rush of waves on the small white beaches brought happier memories back. He had played with his sister on them. The smell of salt in the air as they made sandcastles while his parents relaxed in chairs.

But they hadn’t been simple for a long time. Ever since they had taken him from his planet. He tore his gaze away from it, afraid of the flood of memories and how they would make him feel. He shoved the lump in his throat down and kept walking through the metal corridor. The sound of his boots on the grate clanked in his ears.

The cockpit door hissed open, and he slid into one of the three chairs. His gaze moved over the many screens. Hubert had plotted their map for Verlon, and he looked at the time it would take for him to get there and back to the captain’s ship.

“If we have no hiccups along the way, we should arrive back in the allocated time,” he muttered.

“About that, Sir.”

Marc sighed. “What is it, Hubert?”

“The Rams are tailing us.”

“How can they see through the stealth mode?”

“I don’t know, Sir. A new tech perhaps.”

“Perhaps. Pull them up on the monitor.”

Hubert pulled up two tiny red dots close to his own ship. Marc scrutinised them. Too close for comfort. Maybe half a day behind him, but by his speed and theirs, he guessed they would overtake him in a few hours. 

Marc tapped his fingers on the console and debated what to do. Maybe if he upped the amps of the stealth box, he would have a momentary burst to come in behind them before it gave out. It was a gamble, but he saw no other way out of the situation that he found himself in. With this thought in mind, he got up out of the chair. 

As he took his first step out of the cockpit, a wave of nausea took control of his body. His mind buzzed with a loud ringing, and he stumbled. His hand reached out to the wall to catch himself. Before his finger felt the cool surface of the metal wall, an explosion erupted around him. The force threw him off of his feet.

He fell to the ground. The taste of blood dripped down his throat, and he licked his busted lip. They’d caught up faster than he thought.

“Hubert! Evasive manoeuvres!” 

“But Sir, we are not under attack.” 

“We’re not?” 

Marc, confused, and feeling sicker than he had moments ago, pushed up on his arms from the floor. What had that explosion been, then? 

But before he got his feet under him, his vision blurred. Shadows danced across it. They pulled his soul and whispered strange words into his ears. The same scratch marks from the box throbbed across his sightless eyes before his vision dimmed and pulled him under. 

His head sank to the cold ground. The fight to stay awake left him.

“Sir, what should I do? Sir?” 

But Marc could no longer hear, and there was nothing he could do.

“Oh, no. It was Magic,” the AI said.

Marc’s head hit the floor, and darkness took him into its depths.

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